Life Transformation with Ana Maria
Life Transformation with Ana Maria

Ana Ximenes
Playing off the work RLG has been doing with “Coaching With an Edge,” we brought in
Ana Maria Cardoso, a specialist in the field of techniques in Neuro-Linguistic
Programming. We dove deep into two powerful coaching sessions, in which Ana Maria
demonstrated the techniques using real issues from two participants.
Ana Ximenes at the RLG International Meeting in August 2014 in New York.

"Ana Maria integrates clear, rational problem-solving with a quiet, patient,
heart-centered intuition – perhaps a reflection of her indigenous heritage and her
scientific training. One evening's Family Constellation work facilitated by Ana Maria
brought peace to me in a troublesome relationship with a resolution that many year's
previous work had not; a year later, that peace is still with me."

"Faced with a problem of a worldly political nature, I sought help with Ana Maria through
Constellations. Her work brought insight, movement and happy resolution in a
remarkably short time where previously there was intractable stalemate."

M. S. Queiroz
My coaching experience with Ana Maria brought very positive results in my search to
the understanding of the highest meaning of my existence. There are many qualities
that make Ana Maria an excellent professional in this area of coaching. In addition to
being patient, intelligent and very knowledgeable on coaching techniques, she has the
great sensibility to perceive the exact moment to introduce the right catalytic force that
will allow the cognition between the different moments of the patient’s life. These
qualities, in association with a genuine desire for the client to escape from the
entanglements that usually make his/ her life miserable, are the key for the success of
Ana Maria’s life coaching.

O. Malloy
Believe it or not it is possible to reestablish one’s innately healthy self-esteem in a
matter of two months. It means it is possible to live in the experience of joy, meaning,
and creativity and living connection with the world right now, despite decades of inner
misery. It is possible to be of a true service to those around me, despite decades of
being helpless in the basic affairs of life. It is possible to live according to my values to
the fullest. It is my own experience. It was Ana Maria Cardoso whose work, love, and
investigative talent of a scientist changed my life in a matter of two months. It is an
amazing, inspiring, and life-giving experience. It is done not by giving more abstract
ideas to believe in. It is not done by indulging into the memories of the past, nor
neglecting them. It is not about the food I eat. It is done thru her understanding of the
complex spiritual nature of the whole human being. It is done by establishing new
healthy habits of becoming connected and staying connected to the core of our own
nature. And the obstacles are removed. I did it with her help. And I continue to do it for
myself now, when away from the loving attention of Ana Maria.

E. E.S.
I struggled with a difficult relationship for 17 years. In that time I tried to make the
situation more harmonious by going to years of traditional family therapy, reading
self-help books, praying, meditating, talking with friends, doing rituals, fighting, ignoring,
and wishing things were different. In two sessions with Ana Maria Cardoso, I was able
to see the dynamics I felt caught in in an entirely new way, one which feels most true to
the reality of the situation. I left our sessions with tools that create more harmony and
felt empowered to address other areas of my life that have also been stuck. Her work is
compassionate, insightful, clarifying and precise. I am deeply grateful for the time we
have worked together.

—Yohana Bat Adam
Sharing my gratitude and appreciation for Ana Maria's NLP skills is a privilege. I find myself having more clarity about issues I came to resolve; every session is a new, wide heart opening experience. NLP has a certain undetectable way of finding what is the core issue that needs attention and resolves it in the moment. Many times I come with a certain issue to be resolved, and after a conversation directed by Ana Maria, I realize that the real “problem” was covered by a cloud of confusion, assumptions, and self-judgments. What I imagined to be the problem was not at all the case. NLP uncovers the imaginary false self by different techniques that, although simple, are quite genius. If you wish to add a spice of clarity to your life, try Ana Maria’s NLP sessions. It works for me.