Family Constellations Healing Ancestral Wounds
Family Constellations Healing Ancestral Wounds
Do You Know that We Inherit the Traumas from Our Ancestors?
Just as we inherit our eye color and blood type, we also inherit the residue from traumatic events that have happened in our family. These unresolved traumas from our family system may be at the root of some persistent challenges we currently face, like anxiety, fear, financial worries, depression, illness, and unhappy relationships. They can all be forms of our unconscious inheritance.
All People Carry with Them an Energetic Field or Blueprint of Their Biological Families
Family Constellations was developed by Bert Hellinger based on Virginia Satir’s work in family therapy. He has been teaching this work for more than 40 years and has written many books on the subject, some of which are listed on the Resources page.
That field has an enormous unconscious effect on each family members life and all the people they interact with. Long-standing problems with health, depression, relationships, failed finances, etc. are usually a result of unconscious ‘entanglements’ in the family soul. Doing a constellation is a way to bring those entanglements to light, and to allow some resolution to happen.
Quite often after a constellation, other members of the family who were not present for the constellation—and didn’t even know it was happening–report dramatic shifts as a result. Because the family is a system—like an energetic mobile, what affects one, affects all. And what keeps one stuck, affects them all.
To know more about Family constellations visit the Resources page; you can also watch my video at Events page.
“Until you make your
unconscious conscious it will direct your life and you will call it fate."