Life  Transformation  with Ana Maria 

Life Transformation With Ana Maria

Your Path to a Lighter Heart

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Life Transformation With Ana Maria

Your Path to a Lighter Heart

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Life is Challenging

Especially when you’re struggling on your own. It takes courage to admit we need help and to ask for it. Congratulations on taking the first step, and welcome!

Supporting People to Live into Their Best and Most Authentic Selves is My Passion

And I find joy in helping awaken new possibilities for those feeling stuck or in a transition in their lives. 

Dedicating many years to studying different modalities of therapies and applying these learnings to myself has led to my own transformation, and serving others became my ultimate goal. If you’re ready to embark on a new journey, I’m excited to serve you by drawing from a rich background of expertise.

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My Services

Life Coach

Life Coach is a great opportunity to gain a fresh perspective on persistent issues or an obstacles you encounter while striving toward something important.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming - NLP

NLP is an approach that uses the language of the unconscious mind to create shifts in behaviors and beliefs in our old programming to generate a new experience

Family Constellations

Just as we inherit our eye color and blood type, we also inherit the residue from traumatic events that have happened in our family.
Family Constellations helps to reveal and resolve those traumas.

Let’s talk!

I offer 30-minute free consultations to find out if I’m the right practitioner for you.

Why go alone if you can get help?