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O. Malloy

Believe it or not it is possible to reestablish one’s innately healthy self-esteem in a
matter of two months. It means it is possible to live in the experience of joy, meaning,
and creativity and living connection with the world right now, despite decades of inner
misery. It is possible to be of a true service to those around me, despite decades of
being helpless in the basic affairs of life. It is possible to live according to my values to
the fullest. It is my own experience. It was Ana Maria Cardoso whose work, love, and
investigative talent of a scientist changed my life in a matter of two months. It is an
amazing, inspiring, and life-giving experience. It is done not by giving more abstract
ideas to believe in. It is not done by indulging into the memories of the past, nor
neglecting them. It is not about the food I eat. It is done thru her understanding of the
complex spiritual nature of the whole human being. It is done by establishing new
healthy habits of becoming connected and staying connected to the core of our own
nature. And the obstacles are removed. I did it with her help. And I continue to do it for
myself now, when away from the loving attention of Ana Maria.